Matches in NKOD TPF over HDT for { <é-sady/44992785/e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3> ?p ?o ?g. }
Showing items 1 to 23 of
with 100 items per page.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 applicableLegislation oj @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 accessRights PUBLIC @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 accrualPeriodicity NEVER @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 description "English description below. Sloučené vedení všech linek hromadné dopravy Integrovaného dopravního systému Jihomoravského Kraje (IDS JMK). Zdrojem dat je elektronický jízdní řád ve formátu GTFS od společnosti KORDIS. Souřadnicový systém je GCS WGS84. Data obsahují pouze polohovou informaci bez atributů.Dissolved line layer of all public transport routes of the Integrated Transport System of the South Moravian Region (IDS JMK). The data source is an electronic timetable in GTFS format published by KORDIS company. The coordinate system is GCS WGS84. The data contains only spatial information without any attributes." @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 identifier "" @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 publisher 44992785 @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 spatial 582786 @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 title "Public transport routes" @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 title "Trasy linek IDS JMK" @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 type Dataset @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 type DokumentyDCAT @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 type LKOD @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 identifier identifikátorLKOD @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 identifier identifikátorNKOD @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 contactPoint kontaktní-bod @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 distribution 96ccf4b0a3b1ffe858fab19d354903a1 @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 distribution b0ece35213f3750a46e1ad40831e042b @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 distribution e2f902f0a94e3872ae15576fb6e22694 @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 distribution e3f2c1dfef7a8baf30a91762fe880e44 @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 distribution e634f2f48c762bc8a7e69340fe9ae3db @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 keyword "ODAE" @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 theme TRAN @default.
- e12874c41bd3ba87fd9acbb71e3b7bb3 page mestobrno::trasy-linek-ids-jmk-public-transport-routes @default.