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4 datasets found

List of Accredited Persons Granted Accreditation for Providing Services in the Field of Debt Relief

List of Accredited Persons Granted Accreditation for Providing Services in the Field of Debt Relief. It contains name/company name, company ID number (IČO), profession, and office adress.

Dynamic CSV

List of judges

Seznam soudců okresních, krajských, vrchních a nejvyšších soudů.


List of Public Prosecutors of District, Regional, High, and Supreme Public Prosecutor's Offices

Information about Public Prosecutors (Surname and First Name, Public Prosecutor's Office, Position, and Membership in the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia)


Voluntary register of entities (lawyers, notaries, enforcement officers, insolvency administrators) authorised to draft debt discharge proposals

Registry of entities providing processing of debt relief applications. It contains name/company name, company ID number (IČO), profession, and office adress.

Dynamic CSV