This dataset contains information about fines for substandard fuels issued by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority since 2021.
This dataset contains information about fines for substandard fuels issued by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority between 2011 and 2020.
This codelist contains inspectorates of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. It is used in the datasets Fines for substandard fuels and Provided information according to Act No. 106/1999 Coll. by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
Seznam kontrol ČOI od 1.1.2012
This dataset contains information from official bulletin boards of the Czech Trade Inspection Autority according to the formal open standard.
This dataset contains information provided according to Act No. 106/1999 Coll. (Freedom of Information Act - FOIA) by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
This dataset contains information provided according to Act No. 106/1999 Coll. (Freedom of Information Act - FOIA) by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority between 2016 and 2021.
Seznam kontaktních údajů jednotlivých inspektorátů ČOI.
This codelist contains types of decisions regarding fines of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. It is used in the dataset Fines for substandard fuels by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
This codelist contains types of fuels. It is used in the dataset Fines for substandard fuels by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
Seznam pravomocných pokut uložených ČOI od 1.1.2012
Seznam obsazovaných pracovních míst ČOI.
Seznam zákazů vydaných ČOI od 1.1.2012
Seznam zajištění zboží ČOI od 1.1.2012
Seznam zákonů kontrolovaných při jednotlivých kontrolách ČOI od 1.1.2012