Structure on a watercourse means a transverse obstruction such as a dam, a small reservoir or pond, a weir, a level preventing the natural migration of aquatic animals, or a structure used to observe the condition of surface waters located in the watercourse channel or on land adjacent to the watercourse channel. The registration of objects on watercourses is kept and updated by the Basin state enterprises within the framework of the operational information system (ISYPO). The scope of published data is determined by the current legislation.
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Structure on a watercourse means a transverse obstruction such as a dam, a small reservoir or pond, a weir, a level preventing the natural migration of aquatic animals, or a structure used to observe the condition of surface waters located in the watercourse channel or on land adjacent to the watercourse channel. The registration of objects on watercourses is kept and updated by the Basin state enterprises within the framework of the operational information system (ISYPO). The scope of published data is determined by the current legislation.
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Division of 1st order watersheds into sub-basins.
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Administrative division of the competence of the Basin state enterprises. Roughly corresponds to the sub-basins, but not completely.
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").
The dataset is based on data from individual Basin state enterprises and the state enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic. This record is based on the records of reservoirs: whose permitted volume of uplifted or accumulated water exceeds 1 million m3; whose permitted volume of uplifted or accumulated water does not exceed 1 million m3 and which are managed by the State Enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic; whose permitted volume of uplifted or accumulated water does not exceed 1 million m3 and which are managed by the State Enterprise Basin; whose dam is classified as category I to IV in terms of technical and safety supervision pursuant to § 61(5) of the Water Act
Structure on a watercourse means a transverse obstruction such as a dam, a small reservoir or pond, a weir, a level preventing the natural migration of aquatic animals, or a structure used to observe the condition of surface waters located in the watercourse channel or on land adjacent to the watercourse channel. The registration of objects on watercourses is kept and updated by the Basin state enterprises within the framework of the operational information system (ISYPO). The scope of published data is determined by the current legislation.