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5 datasets found

Gravity geodetic control

Points of Gravity Geodetic Control - contains only point of fundamental Gravity Geodetic Control, whose administrator is Land Survey Office.

INSPIRE theme Cadastral Parcels Extended (CPX)

Dataset for the theme Cadastral Parcels (CP) harmonised according to the INSPIRE Directive in an extended data model (CPX). The dataset focuses on providing full content of cadastral map of the Czech Republic using extension of CP data model according to the rules of INSPIRE technical guidance. Data is extended on easements, geodetic control points, other features of digital cadastral map. Parcels contain some additional attributes in comparision with INSPIRE dataset as for instance type of boundary, mode of land use, nature of land use, link to the building on the parcel and map symbols. Data contain also original arc geometry of parcel boundaries. Dataset is provided as Open Data (licence CC-BY 4.0). Data is based on ISKN (Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates). In the areas with analogue map (raster form) only centroids of parcels are available. Boundaries of cadastral units are available for the whole Czech Republic. Parcels, easements, geodetic control points and other features of map from the territory where the digital map occures (to the 2025-03-10 it is 99.21% of the Czech Republic, i.e. 78 240.79km2. Data is created daily (if any change within the cadastral unit occurs). Data in the GML 3.2.1 fotrmat are valid against XML Definition Schema for the Cadastral Parcels Extended in version 4.0. Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading. More in the Cadastral Act No. 256/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree No. 357/2013 Coll., Cadastral Decree on Data Provision No. 357/2013 Coll. as amended and INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1.

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control include points of the Fundamental Horizontal Geodetic Control and Minor Horizontal Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.

Points of the CZEPOS Czech Republic permanent GNSS stations network

The points of CZEPOS network constitute reference points of the GNSS permanent stations, defined as the intersection of the upper surface of the aerial pedestal with vertical axis of the hole in the pedestal. The points are administered by Land Survey Office.

Vertical control

Points of Vertical Geodetic Control include points of Fundamental Vertical Geodetic Control and Minor Vertical Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.