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Properties registered for indeterminate ownership

Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre hands over a documentation of properties registered for indeterminate ownership to the Office for Government Representation in Property Affairs (UZSVM) twice a year. Data is transmitted according to the § 64 and § 65 of Act No. 256/2013 Coll., on Cadastre of Real Estate (Cadastral Law). Either the ownership record is completely missing (there is no record about the property in the deed of ownership), or the record is contrary to other registries and it is not possible to identify the property owner unequivocally (for example a birth date or address is missing). The documentation is related to plots and structures. Regarding plots it is distinguish, whether they are in a co-ownership or if it is owned by one owner. Regarding structures it is distinguished, whether they are separated buildings owned by one owner and in co-ownership or if the record in the deed of ownership is missing. Data is provided in SHP format (Windows-1250 character encoding) is JTSK coordinate reference system (EPSG:5514). Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading.