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Search 9 datasets found

Czech National Authority File

The dataset includes over a million authority records, specifically name, subject and title authority records. In other words, it includes records representing e.g. persons and organizations who have published but also records representing topics or places.


Chronological Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing chronological terms. These terms are used in bibliographic records to ensure data consistency. The dataset consists of over 500 records.



The dataset includes subject categories used for describing library collections. It contains 624 categories (records).


Corporate Name Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing institutions and meetings which have a clearly defined link to publications. It contains over 166,000 records, with about 3,000 being added each year.


Genre/Form Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing genre/form terms used to consistently describe these formal characteristics of documents. It contains approx. 2,400 records.


Geographic Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing geographic names. It includes approx. 35,000 records.


Personal Name Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing persons involved in the publishing process, i.e., creators themselves or people who are discussed in the publications. It contains authority records describing people (current and past), dynasties, families or mythological and fictitious characters. The dataset is continuously being enriched and updated and contains over 855,000 records, with approx. 30,000 new records being added each year.


Topical Authorities

The dataset includes authority records representing topical terms which describe abstract concepts, scientific and artistic disciplines, objects and specific entities for events which cannot be considered corporate authorities. The dataset contains over 40,000 records.


Uniform Titles

The dataset includes authority records representing uniform titles and author/name headings. They are used to link records describing a work which exists in various forms and is known under more titles or to help differentiate among works sharing the same main title.