Basic territorial units (RSO)
Polygons of basic territorial units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Building authorities (RSO)
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Building authorities with territorial identifications and selected territory statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Financial Authorities (RSO)
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Financial authorities with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Municipalities and military districts (RSO)
Polygons of municipalities and military districts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Municipality parts (RSO)
Polygons of the municipality parts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Regions - NUTS3 (RSO)
Polygons of Regions (NUTS 3) with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.
Registry offices (RSO)
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Registry offices with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Esri Shape
Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.
Esri File Geodatabase
Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase.
Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.
Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.