List of accredited educational programs published pursuant to Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, for the purpose of providing educational and qualification courses, further education of social workers and workers in social services, education of managers of employees listed in § 115, paragraph 1 letter 1 of this Act and for the purpose of professional support of natural persons who provide assistance to the recipient of the care allowance.
List of available vacancies registered by the Czech labour office
Records of persons authorized to provide child care services in a children's group according to Act No. 247/2014 Coll., on the provision of child care services in a children's group and on changes to related laws
List of higher-level collective agreements, the deposit of which has been announced in the form of a Notification of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Collection of Laws (in accordance with Article 9(9) of Act No. 2/1991 Coll., on Collective Bargaining, as amended), and which have been available on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs since 1 January 2007.
Code list of contact offices of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic, which manage vacancies published on the MLSA portal or which conclude active employment policy agreements
Code list of levels of education - to indicate the minimum required level of education for a vacancy and the level of education provided in the taught field of school
Code list of fields of education according to the Classification of Basic Fields of Education (KKOV) of the Czech Statistical Office
List of higher-level collective agreements that are binding on other employers with a predominant activity in the sector indicated by the economic activity classification code, as of the first day of the month following the publication of the notice of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Collection of Laws.
List of employers in the central database of for which a moratorium has been issued before the opening of insolvency proceedings or insolvency proceedings have been filed and where wage claims may be applied.
Code list of instruments of contributions of active employment policy
Code list of foreign languages - for the purposes of defining language skills, required knowledge, languages taught or entrance exams
List of mediators and arbitrators for the resolution of collective disputes maintained by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs pursuant to Act No. 2/1991 Coll., on collective bargaining.
Catalog of occupations and their specializations maintained within the National System of Occupations according to Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment.
Records of professionally qualified persons (natural persons for risk prevention tasks and natural persons for the activities of the OSH coordinator at the construction site) for the purpose of ensuring safety and health protection at work in accordance with Act No. 309/2006 Coll., on ensuring other conditions of safety and health protection while working.
Database of social service providers in the Czech republic