Business registry of Czechia represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Business registry of Cyprus represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Business registry of Estonia represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Business registry of Finland represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Business registry of Latvia represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Business registry of Romania represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.
Check actions of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, their focus and issued fines. Transformed to RDF from the datasetsé-sady/00020869/98803,é-sady/00020869/99266 andé-sady/00020869/98719
Codelist of publishers of employment positions at Charles University
Czech extension of the Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE). Transformed to RDF from the dataseté-sady/00025593/f884f59498ad1717083b498b21ef2283
Fields of Research and Development classification (FORD) - Frascati manual
Job classification CZ-ISCO, level 5 - category
Local Administrative Units (LAUs) in RDF by the STIRData project
Means of submitting and application for a job at Charles University
Organizational structure of the Charles University. Contains source JSON-LD distribution and other distributions resulting from its transformations.
Organizational structure of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University
The dataset contains information on selected job vacancies, both current and past.
The dataset can be used to compile advertisements, etc.
Particular attention should be paid to the temporal data.