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134 datasets found

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities (2021)

Records of agricultural and aquaculture facilities registered on the basis of Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture. They are divided into permanent, aquatic and other objects.
The dataset contains spatial data in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in SHP (shapefile) format as of 31.12.2021.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities (2022)

Records of agricultural and aquaculture facilities registered on the basis of Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture. They are divided into permanent, aquatic and other objects.
The dataset contains spatial data in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in SHP (shapefile) format as of 31.12.2021.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Agricultural Area of Czech Republic

An Agricultural area of Reference parcel is defined as continuous area of agricultural land with a minimum area of 0.01 hectare with define culture (arable land, permanent grassland and permanent crop). The boundaries of Reference parcel should be identifiable in terrain. The physical or legal entity should carry out the agricultural activity on a given Reference parcel under its own name and responsibility. And the Reference parcel is represented by continuous piece of one type of agricultural cover/culture (defined in details by National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.) or landscape feature.

This dataset was created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and the Council, Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture.

HVD High value dataset. JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Changes in LPIS (LPI_GCL01A)

For the given SZR ID, the service returns information on whether the subject in the LPIS has not changed in the relevant data types from the given date from the query parameter to the present day.

Code list - utility cultivation directions / (EH_CISUSP01A)

The service returns a codelist of utility cultivation directions that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Code list of animal categories for feeding days / (IZR_CKD01A)

The service provides a code list of animal categories for feeding days.

Code list of measures of the Nitrates Directive / (LPI_GNS01A)

The service provides an up-to-date code list of measures relating to the Nitrates Directive. Measure codes are provided in other LPIS web services.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01C)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01D)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code lists - crop nutrient removals / (EH_CISOZP01A)

The service returns a code list of crop nutrient removals that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Code lists - Products (EH_CISPRO01A)

The service returns a product code list that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Crops - code list

The data set contains a crop code list in XML format. All code lists are available at this address:

XML Dataset is distributed using XML.

Crops code list - version D (LPI_GPL01D)

Service for obtaining the current status of the crops code list from the LPIS. This crops code list is also shared in the EPH system. The service is extended by the EPPO code for selected crops.

Crops code list (LPI_GPL01C)

Service for obtaining the current status of the crops code list from the LPIS registry.

Crops code list / (LPI_GPL02A)

The service is used for the publication of the crops code list to commercial software and state administration bodies - for the needs of data synchronization in local applications of farmers with LPIS. Unlike the LPI_GPL01C service, it contains attributes for assigning crops to EFA areas and individual subsidy titles, voluntary coupled support and AEO measures, and linking to Farmer's Portal crops. It will return all crops assigned from the code list on the Farmer's Portal to one crop ID for greening.


Structure on a watercourse means a transverse obstruction such as a dam, a small reservoir or pond, a weir, a level preventing the natural migration of aquatic animals, or a structure used to observe the condition of surface waters located in the watercourse channel or on land adjacent to the watercourse channel. The registration of objects on watercourses is kept and updated by the Basin state enterprises within the framework of the operational information system (ISYPO). The scope of published data is determined by the current legislation.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Ecological Focus Area of Czech Republic

The basic unit of the Ecological Focus Area (EFA) element is represented by the continuous area of agricultural land, as well as non-agricultural land if it fulfils agricultural non-production function. The EFA element could be also represented by other shape that is part of the utilised agricultural area or is adjacent to it. The types of EFA elements are defined in National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.

This dataset created in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture and National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.

HVD High value dataset. JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Ecologically Important Elements (2021)

The data set contains spatial data of Ecologically Important Elements (EVP) in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in the SHP (shapefile) format.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Ecologically Important Elements (2022)

The data set contains spatial data of Ecologically Important Elements (EVP) in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in the SHP (shapefile) format.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Fertilizers - code list

The data set contains a fertilizer code list in XML format. All code lists are available at this address:

XML Dataset is distributed using XML.

Geospatial Application (GSA) of Czech Republic 2024

Since 2019 is necessary to declare and draw crops in the Farmer's block. Suma of crops declared area must corresponded to area of Farmer's block. Farmers with exception of diversification crops (arable land under 10 ha or ecological farming) do not have to declare the crops.

This dataset is created in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2116/22021 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll. on Agriculture.

HVD High value dataset. JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Groundwater releases 2020

Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Groundwater releases 2021

Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Groundwater withdrawals 2020

Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Groundwater withdrawals 2021

Records of surface and groundwater withdrawals, wastewater and mine water releases, and surface water accumulation or discharge in reservoirs are established, maintained and updated by individual river basin authorities as part of the survey and assessment of the status of surface and groundwater (§ 21(2)(c)(4) of Act No. 254/2001 Coll., on Water, as amended, further referred to as the "Water Act").

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.