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11 datasets found

Average age of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic

Average age of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Average amount of pensions of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic

Average amount of pensions of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Average amount of personal assessment base of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic

Average amount of personal assessment base of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Average length of the pension

Average length of the pension by year when it ended and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Costs on pensions in the Czech Republic

Costs on pensions in the Czech Republic by year and kind of pension

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Monthly pensions in the Czech Republic

Monthly pensions in the Czech Republic by year, quantil and kind of pension

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Numbers of expired pensions in the Czech Republic

Numbers of expired pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension, statistical reason for expiration and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic according to age

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, age, kind of pension and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic according to monthly pension

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension, monthly pension and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic according to personal assessment base

Numbers of newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension, personal assessment base and sex

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Yearly changes between degrees of disability pension

Summary of changes between degrees of disability pension classified by disability pension kind, reason of the change, sex and reference period

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.