This database contains key information on boreholes. The database is generated about twice a year as a layer in a GIS environment for use in the Borehole Surveys application. Individual points in the application represent boreholes and polygons indicate groups of related boreholes.
fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive
This database contains the locations of points at which vertical electrical profiles and sounding curves were measured. The database of VES measurements (vertical electrical sounding) was established in 1994. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Geoph Station object from the Geophysics application scheme.
fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive
Geological Map of the Czech Republic 1 : 500,000 published in 2007, modified to be INSPIRE-compliant (cut-out for the area of the Czech Republic, harmonized data).
fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive
This database contains state-paid seismic profiles measured in the Czech Republic. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Geoph Profile object from the Geophysics application scheme.
fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive