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High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

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Geophysical Surveys of the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

This database contains information on geophysical measurements made mainly by Geofyzika Brno state enterprise and its successor organizations since the early 1950s. Areas covered by regional surveys are depicted on 1 : 200,000 scale maps and local small-scale measurements at scale of 1 : 50,000. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Campaign object from the Geophysics application scheme.

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. application/ Dataset is distributed using application/ application/gml+xml Dataset is distributed using application/gml+xml.