Landslides dataset generated as the INSPIRE layer from the Slope Deformations Register, which contains basic data of registered and verified slope deformations in the Czech Republic (landslides, solifluction, rock falls, etc.).
fullfillment of requirements of the INSPIRE directive
Radon index map of the Czech Republic 1 : 50,000 has been compiled using statistical procedures to process the measurements so that the areas defined by the vectorized boundaries of the geological units can be classified to indicate the prevailing radon index for bedrock and quaternary sediments (low, medium, high index). The source data has been adjusted to meet the INSPIRE requirements for download service.
fullfillment of requirements of the INSPIRE directive
Open dataset contains basic data on Slope deformations (landslides, solifluction, rock falls, etc.) within the territory of the Czech Republic. Landslides are classified as active, suspended and stabilized. Database is based on verified mapping in 1 : 10,000 and landslide description and photodocumentation. The current form of the data corresponds to the revised methodology for monitoring slope deformations (formerly slope instabilities) from 2021.
The purpose is to inventory the area with detected slope deformations in accordance with the provisions of § 17 of the Geological Act (No. 62/1988 Coll., on geological works, as amended). These areas can have an impact on the development of spatial planning documentation and on the environment. ČGS provides data on slope deformations to public authorities and spatial planning authorities for the processing of spatial analytical documents in accordance with the valid Building Act.