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8 datasets found

Aplikace čistírenských kalů na zemědělskou půdu 2022

Datová sada obsahuje polygony dílů půdních bloků, na které byly v roce 2022 aplikovány čistírenské kaly. Uvedené díly půdních bloků jsou extrahovány z prostorové datové sady Veřejného registru půdy (LPIS), verze z července 2023. (Viz např. nebo V databázi LPIS se podařilo identifikovat 95,7% všech dílů půdních bloků, na které byly čistírenské kaly aplikovány – poskytovaný výstup tedy není zcela kompletní. Seznam dílů půdních bloků na které byly aplikovány čistírenské kaly byl poskytnut Ústředním kontrolním a zkušebním ústavem zemědělským ( Tato metadata jsou prozatímní, budou doplněna ve spolupráci s MŽP


Evidence of permits for of thermal waste treatment facilities

This website is updated based on information from regional authorities, which have been issuing permits since 1. 1. 2003.
The types of permits are the following:
Permits according to § 17 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Act 86/2002 Coll. – permits issued until 1. 9. 2012.
Permits according to § 11 paragraph 2 d) of Act 201/2012 Coll. – permits issued after 1. 9. 2012.
Integrated permits according to § 13 paragraph 3 of Act 76/2002 Coll. – for plants meeting certain criteria (primarily capacity constraints) within the categorization according to Annex 1 to Act 76/2002 Coll.

Act No. 262/2024 Coll., on the public hydrometeorological service as amended by implementing regulations


Geographical overview of thermal waste treatment facilities

Yearly updated geographical navigator:
The geographic navigator presents overall annual information about facilities for the incineration and co-incineration of waste, which are obtained from summary operating records. These are the following: identification number (IČ), name of the facility, address of the operator, address of the facility, putting into operation, types of waste incinerated, nominal capacity, amount of waste incinerated in tonnes per year, number and brief description of incineration lines, enumeration of equipment for reducing emissions, annual emissions of all pollutants reported.

Act No. 262/2024 Coll., on the public hydrometeorological service as amended by implementing regulations

HVD CSV text/csv

List of waste co-incineration facilities

Monthly updated review of waste co-incineration facilities.
Information for this review is obtained from the periodic report of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate. The following information is monitored: change of operator or source name, technological modifications, changes in the composition of waste, source shutdown or start of operation. These reports also provide information about the performed measurements and compliance with emission limits. Some summary information (especially the amount of incinerated waste) is obtained from summary operating records. They are made public in the form of synoptic tables which contain following data: identification data (region, name of operator, name of facility, identification number (IČ), identification number of the operating unit (IČP), address of operator, address of facility) and operating data (putting into operation, capacity in tonnes per year, amount of waste incinerated in last three years in tonnes per year), emission limit values compliance and appropriate comments about operating changes, performed measurements etc.

Act No. 262/2024 Coll., on the public hydrometeorological service as amended by implementing regulations


List of waste incineration facilities

Monthly updated review of waste incineration facilities:
Information for this review is obtained from the periodic report of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate. The following information is monitored: change of operator or source name, technological modifications, changes in the composition of waste, source shutdown or start of operation. These reports also provide information about the performed measurements and compliance with emission limits. Some summary information (especially the amount of incinerated waste) is obtained from summary operating records. They are made public in the form of synoptic tables which contain following data: identification data (region, name of operator, name of facility, identification number (IČ), identification number of the operating unit (IČP), address of operator, address of facility) and operating data (putting into operation, capacity in tonnes per year, amount of waste incinerated in last three years in tonnes per year), emission limit values compliance and appropriate comments about operating changes, performed measurements etc.

Act No. 262/2024 Coll., on the public hydrometeorological service as amended by implementing regulations


Množství kalů předaných k zemědělskému využití

Množství kalů z komunálních čistíren odpadních vod (v sušině), které bylo v souladu s platnou legislativou upraveno a aplikováno na zemědělskou půdu v daném roce.


Množství produkovaných kalů z čistíren odpadních vod

Množství kalů z komunálních čistíren odpadních vod (v sušině), které je vyprodukováno za rok.


Složení a vlastnosti kalů

Obsah rizikových prvků v kalech z čistíren odpadních vod. Jedná se o průměr hodnot rizikových prvků stanovených platnou legislativou, které byly reportovány producenty kalů z ČOV za rok.