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Administrative and judicial decisions – administrative line - increment 2025-03-05

Dataset contains data from public database of administrative and judicial decisions.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP.

Adopce zvířat

Seznam zvířat k adopci v ZOO Praha.

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Adresář obcí

Datová sada s prostorovou lokalizací adresářů na jednotlivé obecní/městské úřady obcí v Královéhradeckém kraji. Zdrojem dat je Odbor kancelář ředitele Krajského úřadu Královéhradeckého kraje.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. Dataset is distributed using

Adresář obcí Libereckého kraje

Datová sada obsahující základní informace obcí Libereckého kraje a jejich úřadů.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. Excel XLSX Dataset is distributed using Excel XLSX. Plain text Dataset is distributed using Plain text. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Adresní body

Adresní body - bodová vrstva obsahující RUIAN kód adresy, jméno ulice, číslo orientační, číslo popisné ev. číslo evidenční.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP.

Advantages of free space

Code list of benefits provided for the job

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.

Age groups of people

Code list of age groups of clients of social services

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.


Agendy evidované v Registru práv a povinností ve smyslu § 51 zákona č. 111/2009 Sb. o základních registrech.

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities (2021)

Records of agricultural and aquaculture facilities registered on the basis of Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture. They are divided into permanent, aquatic and other objects.
The dataset contains spatial data in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in SHP (shapefile) format as of 31.12.2021.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities (2022)

Records of agricultural and aquaculture facilities registered on the basis of Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture. They are divided into permanent, aquatic and other objects.
The dataset contains spatial data in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in SHP (shapefile) format as of 31.12.2022.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Zipped GML Dataset is distributed using Zipped GML.

Agricultural and aquaculture facilities (2023)

Records of agricultural and aquaculture facilities registered on the basis of Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture. They are divided into permanent, aquatic and other objects.
The dataset contains spatial data in the extent of the entire Czech Republic in SHP (shapefile) format as of 31.12.2023.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Agricultural Area of Czech Republic

An Agricultural area of Reference parcel is defined as continuous area of agricultural land with a minimum area of 0.01 hectare with define culture (arable land, permanent grassland and permanent crop). The boundaries of Reference parcel should be identifiable in terrain. The physical or legal entity should carry out the agricultural activity on a given Reference parcel under its own name and responsibility. And the Reference parcel is represented by continuous piece of one type of agricultural cover/culture (defined in details by National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.) or landscape feature.

This dataset was created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and the Council, Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture.

HVD High value dataset. JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Agroturistické destinace v Karlovarském kraji

Přehled uvádí rovněž kontaktní údaje na agroturistické destinace a webové stránky. Dále uvádí specifikaci agroturistických destinací (zaměření).

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Air quality

English description below. Data o kvalitě ovzduší ze stanic na území města Brna. Nejedná se o verifikovaná data. Stanice jsou ve správě ČHMÚ, města Brna a Státního zdravotnického ústavu Ostrava. Data a jejich aktualizace je uvedená níže. Souřadnicový systém: GCS WGS-84SO2_1h (každou hodinu/updated hourly)NO2_1h (každou hodinu/updated hourly)CO_8h (každých 8h/each 8 hours)PM10_1h (každou hodinu/updated hourly)O3_1h (každou hodinu/updated hourly)PM10_24h (24h průměr/daily average)PM2_5_1h (každou hodinu/updated hourly)Air quality data from stations inside the city of Brno. Data is not validated. The stations are managed by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, the Brno city municipality and the State Medical Institute Ostrava. Update frequency is described above. Coordinate system: GCS WGS-84

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Air Quality – Current Hourly Data

In accordance with Annex 2 of Decree …/2024, which implements certain provisions of the Act on the Public Hydrometeorological Service, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) provides current operational (unverified) hourly data on outdoor air pollutants (pollutant concentrations from monitoring stations with automated measurement programs, as specified by Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on Air Protection).

The data made available include key pollutants with ambient air quality limits under current legislation: nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), ground-level ozone (O₃), suspended particles PM₁₀ and PM₂.₅, sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and carbon monoxide (CO).

The data are based on measurements taken at stations owned by CHMI.

HVD High value dataset. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Air Quality – Preliminary Data

In accordance with Annex 2 of Decree …/2024, which implements certain provisions of the Act on the Public Hydrometeorological Service, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) has made operational (unverified) primary and aggregated data available for outdoor air pollutants (pollutant concentrations from automatic monitoring stations, provided in the scope and temporal aggregations specified by Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on Air Protection).

The data include key pollutants with ambient air limit values under current legislation: arsenic (As), benzene, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium (Cd), carbon monoxide (CO), nickel (Ni), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), ground-level ozone (O₃), lead (Pb), suspended particles PM₁₀, suspended particles PM₂.₅, and sulfur dioxide (SO₂).

The data are based on measurements from CHMI-owned stations since 1969. Primary data are provided in measurement intervals of 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 24 hours, depending on the type of measurement. Aggregated data are calculated from the aforementioned primary data and include the following: daily averages, monthly averages, annual averages, and the number of exceedances of ambient air limit values. Preliminary data include air quality information that is older than one hour. Verified data can be found in the dataset *Air Quality Measurements – Verified Data*, in accordance with the data verification process. Verification is carried out once a year, no later than July 1st (YYYY-1).

HVD High value dataset. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Air Quality Index – Current Hourly Data

The Air Quality Index (IKO) provides a summary of air quality at a specific monitoring station. This index was developed by the Air Quality Division of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health (SZÚ). Specific advice and recommendations from SZÚ aimed at protecting human health can be found here: The rules for determining the IKO and its calculation are available at

Information for the public provided through a simple and comprehensible indicator that comprehensively reflects air quality, considering health-based recommendations from the World Health Organization.

HVD High value dataset. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Air Quality Index – Preliminary Data

The Air Quality Index (IKO) provides a summary of air quality at a specific monitoring station. This index was developed by the Air Quality Division of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health (SZÚ). Specific advice and recommendations from SZÚ aimed at protecting human health can be found here: The rules for determining the IKO and its calculation are available at

Information for the public provided through a simple and comprehensible indicator that comprehensively reflects air quality, considering health-based recommendations from the World Health Organization.

HVD High value dataset. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Air quality management zones and agglomerations (2018–2022)

Zones and agglomerations layer for air quality assessment and management in the Czech Republic. The zones and agglomerations are defined on the basis of the legislative specifications of the EU Directive 2008/50/EC and Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on Air Protection. A zone is an area defined by the Ministry of the Environment for the purpose of monitoring and managing air quality; an agglomeration shall mean a zone that is a conurbation with a population in excess of 250 000 inhabitants.

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

Air Quality Measurement – Verified Data

In accordance with Annex 2 of Decree …/2024, which implements certain provisions of the Act on the Public Hydrometeorological Service, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) has made verified primary and aggregated data available for outdoor air pollutants (pollutant concentrations from Concentration of pollutants from monitoring stations with automatic and manual programs, provided in the scope and temporal aggregations specified by Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on Air Protection).

The data include key pollutants with ambient air limit values under current legislation: arsenic (As), benzene, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium (Cd), carbon monoxide (CO), nickel (Ni), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ground-level ozone (O₃), lead (Pb), suspended particles PM10, suspended particles PM2.5, and sulfur dioxide (SO₂).

The data are based on measurements from CHMI-owned stations since 1969. Primary data are provided in measurement intervals of 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 24 hours, depending on the type of measurement. Aggregated data are calculated from the aforementioned primary data and include the following: daily averages, monthly averages, annual averages, and the number of exceedances of ambient air limit values.

The most recent verified data available date back approximately 18 months from the current date, in accordance with the data verification process.

HVD High value dataset. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Air quality model areas (2018–2022)

Concentrations of air pollutants in the 1x1 km grid, years 2018–2022. Limit values for the protection of human health SO2 - 4th highest 24-hour SO2 concentration [µg.m-3], PM10 - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], PM10 - 36th highest 24-hour average concentration [µg.m-3], PM2.5 - annual average concentration [µg. m-3], NO2 - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], O3 - 26th highest maximum daily 8-hour moving average concentration averaged over 3 years, 2019-2021 [µg.m-3], As - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], Cd - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], benzo[a]pyrene - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], benzene - annual average concentration [µg.m-3]. Areas with exceedances of limit values without O3. Areas with exceedances of the limit values with the inclusion of O3. Limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation O3 - AOT40 exposure index values, 5-year average, 2019-2023 [µg.m-3], NOx - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], SO2 - annual (annual average) and winter period (winter average) [µg.m-3].

Legislation (Act 201/2012 Coll., as amended) requires that the primary source of assessment be the results of stationary measurements. Measured concentrations may be supplemented by modelling and indicative measurements in the production of pollutant maps to ensure that the resulting estimate provides sufficient information on the spatial distribution of air pollutant concentrations. In the Czech Republic, the Eulerian chemical dispersion model CAMx is mainly used, additionally also the Gaussian model SYMOS and the European Eulerian model EMEP. In addition, in the case of individual pollutants, e.g. altitude or population density.

Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on Air Protection, as amended

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

Air quality monitoring stations (2018–2022)

The network of measuring stations registered in the ISKO database in 2018–2022. The basis for the air quality assessment is the concentrations measured at the monitoring stations. The measurement network is densest in the areas with the highest concentrations of pollutants, but covers the whole Czech Republic. The backbone network of monitoring stations is the National Air Quality Monitoring Network (NAQMN), operated by the CHMI. It includes both stations with an automated monitoring programme (AIM) and stations with a manual monitoring programme (MIM), from which the samples taken are analysed in the laboratories of the CHMI. In many cases, air pollution at one site is monitored simultaneously by both automatic and manual methods. The national network of concentration monitoring is supplemented by monitoring stations of other organisations, whose measurements are also used in the assessment of air quality.

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

Air quality on site measurements

English Description below Dataset zahrnuje denní průměry jednotlivých parametrů kvality ovzduší na 12 lokalitách v různých částech Brna. Tyto lokality se od sebe vzájemně odlišují nejen polohou v rámci města, ale také charakterem okolí – některé z lokalit jsou umístěny poblíž frekventované dopravní komunikace, jiné naopak na relativně odlehlém místě poblíž zeleně.Pro přehlednost byl každé lokalitě přidělen třípísmenný kód (identifikátor), který je uveden v následujícím hodnocení. Tento identifikátor téměř ve všech případech odpovídá zkratce městské části, ve které se daná lokalita nachází, s výjimkou jedné lokality, kdy z důvodu dvou lokalit v jedné městské části je identifikátor odvozen od jména daného místa (Klajdovka). Naměřené veličiny: PM10, PM2_5, NO, NO2, NOx, O3, SO2, CO a dále rychlost větru, vlhkost a teplota. Měření proběhlo v rámci projektu Tromso a neplánuje se jeho opakování. Souřadnicový systém: GCS WGS-84 The dataset includes daily averages of air quality parameters at 12 locations in different parts of Brno. These sites differ from each other not only by their location within the city, but also by the nature of their surroundings - some sites are located near busy traffic roads, others in relatively remote locations near green areas.For the sake of clarity, each site has been assigned a three-letter code (identifier), which is presented in the following assessment. In almost all cases, this identifier corresponds to the abbreviation of the urban district in which the site is located, with the exception of one site where, because of two sites in one urban district, the identifier is derived from the name of the site (Klajdovka). Measured variables: PM10, PM2_5, NO, NO2, NOx, O3, SO2, CO as well as wind speed, humidity and temperature. The measurements were carried out within the Tromso project and there are no plans to repeat them. GCS WGS-84 coordinate system.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Akce v MČ Praha 12

Kalendář akcí na městské části Praha 12

XML Dataset is distributed using XML.

Akce v zoo

Kalendář akcí v ZOO Praha

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. RSS feed Dataset is distributed using RSS feed.