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High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

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Datasets distributed via a data service

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4 datasets found

LPIS - district Olomouc

The data set contains spatial data of physical blocks, farmer's blocks, vineyards and ecologically important elements (landscape features) in SHP format. It also contains current and historical data of farmer's blocks in XML format. DPB - Farmer's blocks, PB - Physical blocks, OPV - Vineyards, EVP - Ecologically important elements (landscape features)

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.

Volby do zastupitelstev krajů 2016 - výsledky za okres Olomouc a jeho obce

Otevřená data pro volby do zastupitelstev krajů 2016 konané dne 7.10. - 8.10.2016

XML Dataset is distributed using XML.

Volby do zastupitelstev krajů 2020 - výsledky za okres Olomouc a jeho obce

Otevřená data pro volby do zastupitelstev krajů 2020 konané dne 2.10. - 3.10.2020

XML Dataset is distributed using XML.