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Five-year average concentrations

Pollutants with air quality limits set for health protection with an averaging period of 1 calendar year:
NO₂_rp_5l: NO₂ – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³], PM₁₀_rp_5l: PM₁₀ – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³], PM₂₅_rp_5l: PM₂.₅ – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³], BZN_rp_5l: benzene – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³], BaP_rp_5l: benzo[a]pyrene – annual average concentration [ng·m⁻³], As_rp_5l: arsenic – annual average concentration [ng·m⁻³], Pb_rp_5l: lead – annual average concentration [ng·m⁻³], Ni_rp_5l: nickel – annual average concentration [ng·m⁻³], Cd_rp_5l: cadmium – annual average concentration [ng·m⁻³].

Pollutants with air quality limits set for health protection with an averaging period of 24 hours:
PM₁₀h24_5l: PM₁₀ – 36th highest 24-hour average concentration in a calendar year [µg·m⁻³],
SO₂h24_5l: SO₂ – 4th highest 24-hour average concentration in a calendar year [µg·m⁻³].

Pollutants with air quality limits set for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation:
SO₂_rp_5l: SO₂ – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³],
SO₂_zp_5l: SO₂ – average concentration for the winter period (1.10.–31.3.) [µg·m⁻³],
NOₓ_rp_5l: NOₓ – annual average concentration [µg·m⁻³].

HVD High value dataset. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape.