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2 datasets found

Geospatial Application (GSA) of Czech Republic 2024

Since 2019 is necessary to declare and draw crops in the Farmer's block. Suma of crops declared area must corresponded to area of Farmer's block. Farmers with exception of diversification crops (arable land under 10 ha or ecological farming) do not have to declare the crops.

This dataset is created in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2116/22021 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll. on Agriculture.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed

Reference Parcel of Czech Republic

A Reference parcel (Farmer's block) is defined as continuous area of agricultural land with a minimum area of 0.01 hectare. The boundaries of Reference parcel should be identifiable in terrain. The physical or legal entity should carry out the agricultural activity on a given Reference parcel under its own name and responsibility. And the Reference parcel is represented by continuous piece of one type of agricultural cover/culture (defined in details by National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.) or ecological focus area.

This dataset was created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and the Council, Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase application/geopackage+sqlite3