Data service (1)

9 datasets found

Agricultural Area of Czech Republic

An Agricultural area of Reference parcel is defined as continuous area of agricultural land with a minimum area of 0.01 hectare with define culture (arable land, permanent grassland and permanent crop). The boundaries of Reference parcel should be identifiable in terrain. The physical or legal entity should carry out the agricultural activity on a given Reference parcel under its own name and responsibility. And the Reference parcel is represented by continuous piece of one type of agricultural cover/culture (defined in details by National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.) or landscape feature.

This dataset was created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and the Council, Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed

Geospatial Application (GSA) of Czech Republic 2024

Since 2019 is necessary to declare and draw crops in the Farmer's block. Suma of crops declared area must corresponded to area of Farmer's block. Farmers with exception of diversification crops (arable land under 10 ha or ecological farming) do not have to declare the crops.

This dataset is created in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2116/22021 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll. on Agriculture.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed

High Resolution Layers - Forest

High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Forest product contains 3 data sets: Tree Cover Density (TCD), Dominant Leaf Type (DLT) and Dominant Leaf Type Change (DLTC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here:, information on the program at

High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme

Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed TIFF

High Resolution Layers - Grassland

High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100 m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The product contains 2 data sets: Grassland that contains classified Grassland layer (GRA) and Grassland Change (GRAC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here:, information on the program at

High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.

Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed TIFF

High Resolution Layers - Imperviousness

High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Imperviousness product contains 3 data sets: Degree of Imperviousness (IMD), Degree of Imperviousness change (IMC), and Degree of Imperviousness change classified (IMCC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here:, information on the program at

High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data creation was funded by the European Union.
Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.

Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed TIFF

High Resolution Layers - Water and Wetness

High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Water and Wetness product contains 2 data sets: Water and Wetness (WAW) and Water-Wetness-Probability-Index (WWPI). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here:, information on the program at

High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data creation was funded by the European Union.
Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.

Esri File Geodatabase Atom Feed TIFF

Landscape Feature of Czech Republic

The Landscape feature dataset is created by merging the four categories of woody, stony, wet and grassy features from the feature classes in the Ecological Focus Area dataset. The types of Ecological focus area elements are defined in National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.

This dataset is created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No. 2021/2115 and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture and National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase

Reference Parcel of Czech Republic

A Reference parcel (Farmer's block) is defined as continuous area of agricultural land with a minimum area of 0.01 hectare. The boundaries of Reference parcel should be identifiable in terrain. The physical or legal entity should carry out the agricultural activity on a given Reference parcel under its own name and responsibility. And the Reference parcel is represented by continuous piece of one type of agricultural cover/culture (defined in details by National Regulation 307/2014 Coll.) or ecological focus area.

This dataset was created in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and the Council, Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll on agriculture.

HVD JPEG 2000 Esri File Geodatabase application/geopackage+sqlite3

Sensitive areas

Evidence obsahuje údaje o vymezení citlivých oblastí v ČR, Údaje evidence zpracovává a do informačního systému veřejné správy ukládá Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, veřejná výzkumná instituce. Citlivé oblasti jsou vodním zákonem definovány jako vodní útvary povrchových vod: a) v nichž dochází nebo v blízké budoucnosti může dojít v důsledku vysoké koncentrace živin k nežádoucímu stavu jakosti vod, b) které jsou využívány nebo se předpokládá jejich využití jako zdroje pitné vody, v níž koncentrace dusičnanů přesahuje hodnotu 50 mg/l, nebo c) u nichž je z hlediska zájmů chráněných tímto zákonem nutný vyšší stupeň čištění odpadních vod. Citlivé oblasti vymezuje vláda nařízením. Vymezení citlivých oblastí podléhá přezkoumání v pravidelných intervalech nepřesahujících 4 roky, Pro citlivé oblasti a pro vypouštění odpadních vod do povrchových vod ovlivňujících kvalitu vody v citlivých oblastech stanovuje vláda nařízením ukazatele přípustného znečištění odpadních vod a jejich hodnoty. Citlivé oblasti jsou aktuálně stanoveny nařízením vlády č, 401/2015 Sb, o ukazatelích a hodnotách přípustného znečištění povrchových vod a odpadních vod, náležitostech povolení k vypouštění odpadních vod do vod povrchových a do kanalizací a o citlivých oblastech. Podle § 15 odst, 1 nařízení vlády č, 401/2015 Sb, ve znění pozdějších předpisů jsou všechny povrchové vody na území České republiky vymezeny jako citlivé oblasti.

Zřízení, vedení a aktualizace evidencí o stavu povrchových a podzemních vod je uloženo zákonem č, 254/2001 Sb, o vodách a o změně některých zákonů (vodní zákon) ve znění pozdějších předpisů, § 21 tohoto zákona uvádí výčet vedených evidencí, § 22 pak rozděluje kompetence ve vedení jednotlivých evidencí a jejich ukládání do ISVS mezi Ministerstvo zemědělství a Ministerstvo životního prostředí, Způsob vedení evidencí o stavu povrchových a podzemních vod je pak stanoven vyhláškou č, 252/2013 Sb, o rozsahu údajů v evidencích stavu povrchových a podzemních vod a o způsobu zpracování, ukládání a předávání těchto údajů do informačních systémů veřejné správy,

HVD Esri File Geodatabase