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HVD category (3)

High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

Data service (1)

Datasets distributed via a data service

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1803 datasets found

Smlouvy MČ Praha 12 2023 -2026

Seznam aktivních výdajových smluv v daném roce, pro zjištění čerpání smlouvy je nutné pracovat s datovou sadou Faktury

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Accounting management

Attribute for a method of accounting management in full or simplified range.

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Accounting unit

The code list of all selected accounting units: local government units, voluntary associations of municipalities (VAM), regional council of region of cohesion, subsidized organization, state organizational units, state funds according to budget rules, health insurance companies.

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Active organization

The code list of organization´s states.

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2012

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2013

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2014

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2015

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2016

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2017

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2018

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2019

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2020

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2021

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2022

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2023

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Area Unit

Spatial unit is part of Fund classification. The code list contains items of spatial classification, ie. origin of funds - domestic or foreing sources. Fund classification consists of bace classification (cover expenses), spatial classification (domestic/foreign funds) and intrument classification (funds, programs, EU projects etc.).

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

ARES - Číselník veřejných rejstříků

Číselník veřejných rejstříků systému ARES ve formátu CSV

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

ARES - Seznam IČO k Balíku

Obsahem je seznam IČO, pro které byla vytvořen Balík v datové sadě ARES - Výstup pro všechna IČO

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

ARES - Seznam IČO z VR

Seznam IČO z veřejného rejstříku systému ARES

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

ARES - Seznam IČO změnový

Obsahem je seznam IČO, pro které nastaly změny od vytvoření Balíku v datové sadě ARES - Výstup pro všechna IČO

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Asistenční vouchery Libereckého kraje

Program je určen na podporu přípravy projektové žádosti naplňující RIS3 strategii. Využít jej mohou veřejnoprávní i soukromoprávní právnické osoby či fyzické osoby podnikající, které prokáží působnost na území Libereckého kraje (vyjma příspěvkových organizací zřízených krajem).

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Auxiliary part to FIN2-04U part V.

Auxiliary code list for the bank accounts of the state.

XML Dataset is distributed using XML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Average amount of pensions of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic

Average amount of pensions of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension and sex

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG.

Average amount of personal assessment base of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic

Average amount of personal assessment base of pensioners with newly granted pensions in the Czech Republic by year, kind of pension and sex

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG.