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9 datasets found

Gravity geodetic control

Points of Gravity Geodetic Control - contains only point of fundamental Gravity Geodetic Control, whose administrator is Land Survey Office.

Points of Gravity Geodetic Control are reference points for accurate location of geoinformation in the Gravimetric Datum 1995 (S-Gr95) at the territory of the Czech Republic. They are divided by importance and accuracy of coordinates setting into Points of Fundamental Gravity Geodetic Control (FGGC) and points of Minor Gravity Geodetic Control (MGGC). Points of FGGC are part of Geodetic Control of the Czech Republic that creates a reference frame of coordinate systemes at the territory of the Czech Republic. Points of MGGC create a national realisation of the S-Gr95 reference frame.

Gravity geodetic control

Points of Gravity Geodetic Control - contains only point of fundamental Gravity Geodetic Control, whose administrator is Land Survey Office.

Horizontal cotrol

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control include points of the Fundamental Horizontal Geodetic Control and Minor Horizontal Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control are reference points for accurate location of geoinformation in the Datum of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network (S-JTSK) at the territory of the Czech Republic. They are divided by importance and accuracy of coordinates setting into Points of Fundamental Horizontal Geodetic Control (FHGC) and Points of Minor Horizontal Geodetic Control (MHGC). Points of FHGC are part of Geodetic Control of the Czech Republic that creates a reference frame of coordinate systemes at the territory of the Czech Republic. Points of MHGC create a reference frame of the S-JSTK where part of the points (approximately 3100 point of selective maintenance network) are also a part of national realisation of European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) reference frame realisation.

INSPIRE theme Cadastral Parcels Extended (CPX)

The extension targets on providing full cadastral map as defined in Cadastral Public Note in the form of vectror data in the structure fully conform to the INSPIRE Directive and Implementing Rules. The data extends the INSPIRE Data Specification for the theme Cadastral Parcels (CP) for easements, geodetic points, other features, original geometry and analogue cadastral parcels (those in the areas with analogue map only). It originates in the cadastral map that is a binding national map series at large scale, contains points of horizontal geodetic control, planimetric component and map lettering and can be maintained in the form of digital map, analogue map or digitized map. The data published in the frame of this product contain cadastral districts (for the whole Czech Republic), parcels, their boundaries, easements, other features, geodetic points and original geometries from the territory where the digital map occures (to the 2019-10-21 it is 96.61% of the Czech territory, i.e. 76 196.37km2) and analogue cadastral parcels in the areas with analogue map, containing only reference points as geometry. More in the Cadastral Law 344/1992 Coll., Cadastral Public Note No. 26/2007 Coll. as ammended and INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data in the GML 3.2.1 fotrmat are valid against XML Definition Schema for the Cadastral Parcels Extended in version 4.0.

Implementation Act No. 344/1998 Coll. on cadaster of real estates ( and transposition of INSPIRE Directive into Czech legislation by the novel of Act No. 123/1998 Coll., on right to information on the environment (

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control

Points of Horizontal Geodetic Control include points of the Fundamental Horizontal Geodetic Control and Minor Horizontal Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.

Points of the CZEPOS Czech Republic permanent GNSS stations network

The points of CZEPOS network constitute reference points of the GNSS permanent stations, defined as the intersection of the upper surface of the aerial pedestal with vertical axis of the hole in the pedestal. The points are administered by Land Survey Office.

Points of the State network of permanent stations for precise positioning (CZEPOS)

The points of CZEPOS network constitute reference points of the GNSS permanent stations, defined as the intersection of the upper surface of the aerial pedestal with vertical axis of the hole in the pedestal. The points are administered by Land Survey Office.

The Points of the Czech Republic Permanent GNSS Stations Network (CZEPOS) are reference points for accurate localisation of geoinformation in the European Terrestric Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) at the territory of the Czech Republic. The CZEPOS points are part of the geodetic control of the Czech Republic that constitute a reference frame of coordinates systems in the Czech Republic. As for the CZEPOS points, it is the national realisation of the ETRS89 reference frame.

Vertical control

Points of Vertical Geodetic Control include points of Fundamental Vertical Geodetic Control and Minor Vertical Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.

Points of Vertical Geodetic Control are reference points for accurate location of geoinformation in the Baltic Vertical Datum - After Adjustment (Bpv) at the territory of the Czech Republic. They are divided by importance and accuracy of coordinates setting into Points of Fundamental Vertical Geodetic Control (FVGC) and points of Minor Vertical Geodetic Control (MVGC). Points of FVGC are part of Geodetic Control of the Czech Republic that creates a reference frame of coordinate systemes at the territory of the Czech Republic. Points of MGGC create a national realisation of the Bpv reference frame where part of the points (approximately 60) are also a part of national realisation of European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) reference frame.

Vertical control

Points of Vertical Geodetic Control include points of Fundamental Vertical Geodetic Control and Minor Vertical Geodetic Control. Administrator is Land Survey Office, resp. Cadastral offices according to relevant category of the geodetic control.