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9 datasets found

Evidence jakosti podzemních vod – Informační systém veřejné správy VODA

V souladu se zákonem 123/1998 Sb. o právu na informace o životním prostředí ČHMÚ zpřístupnil naměřené hodnoty ukazatelů jakosti podzemní vody v objektech podzemních vod ve správě ČHMÚ.

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

INSPIRE – Air quality model areas

Concentrations of air pollutants in the 1x1 km grid, year 2022. Limit values for the protection of human health SO2 - 4th highest 24-hour SO2 concentration [µg.m-3], PM10 - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], PM10 - 36th highest 24-hour average concentration [µg.m-3], PM2.5 - annual average concentration [µg. m-3], NO2 - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], O3 - 26th highest maximum daily 8-hour moving average concentration averaged over 3 years, 2019-2021 [µg.m-3], As - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], Cd - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], benzo[a]pyrene - annual average concentration [ng.m-3], benzene - annual average concentration [µg.m-3]. Areas with exceedances of limit values without O3. Areas with exceedances of the limit values with the inclusion of O3. Limit values for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation O3 - AOT40 exposure index values, 5-year average, 2018-2022 [µg.m-3], NOx - annual average concentration [µg.m-3], SO2 - annual (annual average) and winter period (winter average) [µg.m-3].

Legislation (Act 201/2012 Coll., as amended) requires that the primary source of assessment be the results of stationary measurements. Measured concentrations may be supplemented by modelling and indicative measurements in the production of pollutant maps to ensure that the resulting estimate provides sufficient information on the spatial distribution of air pollutant concentrations. In the Czech Republic, the Eulerian chemical dispersion model CAMx is mainly used, additionally also the Gaussian model SYMOS and the European Eulerian model EMEP. In addition, in the case of individual pollutants, e.g. altitude or population density. Dataset is distributed using

INSPIRE – All AQ data associated with AQ monitoring stations

Concentrations measured by all monitoring networks are stored in the AQIS air pollution database. The database contains data from the beginning of measurements, and sulphur dioxide and suspended particulate matter concentrations from the station networks of the CHMI in North Bohemia and Prague from 1971. Accompanying meteorological data, which are measured at a large part of the automated monitoring stations of the CHMI are used for the evaluation of air quality-meteorological relationships, are also stored in the ISKO database. In addition, the ISKO emission database also includes data provided by cooperating institutions. These include the Public Health Institute in Ostrava, the Public Health Institute in Ústí nad Labem, the National Institute of Health, ČEZ, a. s., the Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, v. v. i., the Czech Geological Survey, the Institute of Hydrobiology, municipal authorities and other contributors. The database also includes information from the border areas of Slovakia, Germany, Poland and Austria.

Overview of concentrations of air pollutants for which limit values for the protection of human health have been set, measured at station networks of ambient air quality monitoring in the Czech Republic: r22As - List of stations with annual average concentrations of As, 2022; r22BaP - List of stations with annual average concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene, 2022; r22BZN - List of stations with annual average concentrations of benzene, 2022; r22Cd - List of stations with annual average concentrations of cadmium, 2022; r22NO2 - List of stations with concentrations of NO2 (annual average and 19. highest hourly concentrations), 2022; r22O3 - List of stations with ground-level ozone concentrations (max. daily 8-hour moving average, averaged over 3 years), 2022; r22PM10 - List of stations with PM10 concentrations (annual mean and 36. highest 24-hour concentrations), 2022; r22PM25 - List of stations with PM2.5 annual average concentrations, 2022; r22SO2zdr - List of stations with SO2 concentrations (25th highest hourly concentrations and 4th highest 24-hour concentrations), 2022. Summary of concentrations of air pollutants for which immission limits are set to protect ecosystems and vegetation, measured at station networks of ambient air quality monitoring in the Czech Republic: r22AOT40 - AOT40 exposure index values, 5-year average, 2019-2023 [µg. m-3.h]; r22NOx - List of stations with annual average NOx concentrations, 2022; r22SO2zp - List of stations with SO2 concentrations (winter average), 2022; r22SO2rp - List of stations with annual average SO2 concentrations, 2022. Dataset is distributed using

Kontaminace pevných matric

Přehled monitoringu kontaminace pevných matric 2000-2019.

Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Naměřená hydrologická data – now

Jedná se o aktuálně naměřená a nevalidovaná data. Postupně přidávají jedenkrát za hodinu v 10-ti minutovém intervalu aktuálně naměřená data za daný jeden den v maximálním rozsahu 24 hodin. Po půlnoci jsou data přesunuta do "Naměřená data – recent" a postupně se začnou přidávat nově naměřená data. Uvádíme datum a čas [SEČ a SELČ], stav [cm] a průtok [m3.s-1]. Vodoměrné stanice: České Budějovice – 0-203-1-115100, Kostelec nad Labem – 0-203-1-104400, Kroměříž – 0-203-1-403000, Mělník – 0-203-1-204000, Praha – Chuchle – 0-203-1-200100, Přelouč – 0-203-1-061000, Strážnice – 0-203-1-421500 a Ústí nad Labem – 0-203-1-221000. Jejich poloha je k dispozici v datové sadě "Naměřená hydrologická data – vodoměrné stanice".

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON.

Naměřená hydrologická data – recent

Jedná se o naměřená a nevalidovaná data. Data jsou starší než prvních 24 hod, jsou sem postupně po uplynutí 24 hod. přesouvána z "Naměřená data – now". Tato data se následně kontrolují a validují. Po uplynutí jednoho kalendářního roku jsou postupně nahrazena daty historickými. Data v datových sadách této datové série se tak mohou částečně lišit od dat historických. Uvádíme datum a čas [SEČ a SELČ], stav [cm] a průtok [m3.s-1]. Vodoměrné stanice: České Budějovice – 0-203-1-115100, Kostelec nad Labem – 0-203-1-104400, Kroměříž – 0-203-1-403000, Mělník – 0-203-1-204000, Praha – Chuchle – 0-203-1-200100, Přelouč – 0-203-1-061000, Strážnice – 0-203-1-421500 a Ústí nad Labem – 0-203-1-221000. Jejich poloha je k dispozici v datové sadě "Naměřená hydrologická data – vodoměrné stanice". Historická data jsou k dispozici pod názvem Evidence množství povrchových vod – Informační systém veřejné správy VODA.

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON.

Naměřená hydrologická data – vodoměrné stanice

Vrstva umístění vodoměrných stanic k aktuálně naměřeným hydrologickým datům. Data jsou k dispozici v "Naměřená hydrologická data –now" a "Naměřená hydrologická data – recent". Dataset is distributed using

Otevřená prostorová data Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu

Jsou poskytována otevřená geografická hydrologická data rozvodnic základních ploch povodí, hydrogeologických rajonů a data o pozorovacích sítích povrchových a podzemních vod na základě vyhlášky 252/2013 Sb. (Vyhláška o rozsahu údajů v evidencích stavu povrchových a podzemních vod a o způsobu zpracování, ukládání a předávání těchto údajů do informačních systémů veřejné správy). Data je možné stáhnout v souřadnicovém systému WGS 1984 UTM 33N (WKID: 32633) a S-JTSK Krovak EastNorth (WKID: 5514) ve formátech: CSV, shapefile, GeoJSON, souborová geodatabáze, kolekce prvků, excel, GeoPackage a SQLite geodatabáze.

application/geo+json Dataset is distributed using application/geo+json.

Primary and aggregated data of air pollutants for which limit values are set

In accordance with Act 123/1998 Coll. on free access to environmental information, as amended, the CHMI has provided verified primary and aggregated data on outdoor air pollutants. These are the main pollutants with limit values according to current legislation: arsenic (As), benzene, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium (Cd), carbon monoxide (CO), nickel (Ni), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), ground-level ozone (O3), lead (Pb), particulate matter (PM10), particulate matter (PM2.5), sulphur dioxide (SO2). The data are based on measurements at stations owned by the CHMI for the period 1969-2022. The primary data are presented in measurement intervals of 30 min, 1 h or 24 h, depending on the type of measurement. Aggregated data are calculated from the above primary data. These data are: daily mean values, monthly mean values, annual mean values and the number of exceedances of the limit values for the protection of human health. Verified data for subsequent calendar years from 2020 will always be available by 1 July of the following year.

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.