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HVD category (7)

High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

Data service (1)

Datasets distributed via a data service

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38 datasets found

Abandoned mine lands of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. The mine workings are irregularly distributed within the vector representation and at different depths. Polygons can also contain completely unmined sections. The possible damage to the terrain by mining activities is usually smaller than the extent of the vector representation.

The purpose is to inventory areas with detected undermining according to the Geological Act (No. 62/1988 Coll., on geological works, as amended). These areas can have an impact on the development of urban planning documentation and on the environment. CGS provides data on undermined areas to public authorities and spatial planning authorities in accordance with the valid Building Act. Furthermore, this data is used in the assessment of mine workings impacts and the processing of complex information about the territory.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Borehole surveys of the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

This database contains key information on boreholes. The database is generated about twice a year as a layer in a GIS environment for use in the Borehole Surveys application. Individual points in the application represent boreholes and polygons indicate groups of related boreholes.

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset.

Exploration areas of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains information on approvals of exploration for reserved minerals. This includes the information on the spatial delimitation of the exploration area, on the mineral for which the exploration was approved, on the validity of this approval and on the organization.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Geoelectrics – Vertical electrical Sounding (VES) of the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

This database contains the locations of points at which vertical electrical profiles and sounding curves were measured. The database of VES measurements (vertical electrical sounding) was established in 1994. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Geoph Station object from the Geophysics application scheme.

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. application/gml+xml Dataset is distributed using application/gml+xml. application/ Dataset is distributed using application/

Geological map of the Czech Republic 1 : 500,000 – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

Geological Map of the Czech Republic 1 : 500,000 published in 2007, modified to be INSPIRE-compliant (cut-out for the area of the Czech Republic, harmonized data).

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset. GML Dataset is distributed using GML. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

Geophysical Surveys of the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

This database contains information on geophysical measurements made mainly by Geofyzika Brno state enterprise and its successor organizations since the early 1950s. Areas covered by regional surveys are depicted on 1 : 200,000 scale maps and local small-scale measurements at scale of 1 : 50,000. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Campaign object from the Geophysics application scheme.

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. application/gml+xml Dataset is distributed using application/gml+xml. application/ Dataset is distributed using application/

Geospatial Application (GSA) of Czech Republic 2024

Since 2019 is necessary to declare and draw crops in the Farmer's block. Suma of crops declared area must corresponded to area of Farmer's block. Farmers with exception of diversification crops (arable land under 10 ha or ecological farming) do not have to declare the crops.

This dataset is created in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2116/22021 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in accordance with Act 252/1997 Coll. on Agriculture.

HVD High value dataset. JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. Dataset is distributed using

Historická ortofotomapa (50. léta)

Historická ortofotomapa zahrnuje vrstvy leteckých snímků převážně z let 1952-1954, doplněných o snímky z let 1937-1970 a 1996 tam, kde v daném období neexistují příslušné snímkové podklady. Ortofotomapa České republiky z historických snímků prvního plošného celostátního leteckého snímkování z 50. let vznikla v rámci projektu Národní inventarizace kontaminovaných míst (NIKM). Letecké měřické snímky poskytnuté Vojenským geografickým a hydrometeorologickým úřadem (VGHMÚř) Dobruška zpracovala společnost GEODIS BRNO, spol. s r.o.

Podpora projektu Národní inventarizace kontaminovaných míst (NIKM).

JPEG 2000 Dataset is distributed using JPEG 2000.

Historická ortofotomapa (50. léta) - klady listů

Klady mapových listů leteckých snímků prvního plošného celostátního leteckého snímkování z 50. let.

Datový podklad vytvořený v rámci metodické části (1.etapy) projektu Národní inventarizace kontaminovaných míst (NIKM).

Historická ortofotomapa (50. léta) - roky snímkování

Hranice souvislých území se stejnou dobou pořízení leteckých snímků s uvedením letopočtu prvního plošného celostátního leteckého snímkování z 50. let. Podklady – letecké měřické snímky poskytnuté Vojenským geografickým a hydrometeorologickým úřadem (VGHMÚř) Dobruška, zpracovala společnost GEODIS BRNO, spol. s r.o. v rámci metodické části (1.etapy) projektu Národní inventarizace kontaminovaných míst (NIKM).

Datový podklad vytvořený v rámci metodické části (1.etapy) projektu Národní inventarizace kontaminovaných míst (NIKM).

INSPIRE datová sada pro téma Využití území - kraj Karlovarský

data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Aktualizace č. 1 Zásad územního rozvoje Karlovarského kraje (nabytí účinnosti 13. 7. 2018) prostorové rozlišení 1 : 100 000 (měřítko vydání ZÚR) údržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚR podmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezení omezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

Využití území dle Zásad územního rozvoje.

HVD High value dataset.

INSPIRE datová sada pro téma Využití území ze ZÚR - Ústecký kraj

data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého kraje prostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚR údržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚR podmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezení omezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

Zásady územního rozvoje Ústeckého kraje

HVD High value dataset. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

INSPIRE theme Orthoimagery (OI)

The INSPIRE Orthoimagery data are harmonised according to INSPIRE Implementing Rules. This dataset of the Orthophoto of the Czech Republic therefore has the unified design with other data created for this INSPIRE theme in frame of whole Europe. Data were derived from the dataset of the Orthophoto of the Czech Republic. For compliance with the data specification data were transformed to coordinate reference system ETRS89-TM33N. Data are provided in graphic raster format (JPEG 2000) with 0.25 m pixel resolution. Export units are defined by the grid ETRS89-GRS80.

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

Inventory of mine workings in the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains data on underground mine workings and on reported impacts of mine workings over the territory of the Czech Republic. Attributes include detailed information about each object, e.g. the exact location, topographical situation, proprietary relation, technical data, the current state of these workings, their hazardousness and possible security measures. There are also links to the signatures of source reports stored in the CGS Geofond archive and to the digital documentation in *.jpg format - e.g. photograph, map cut-out, drawing.

Data from the database are continuously used in monitoring the safety of mine workings according to the Mining Act, in land-use planning, and as a part of the urban planning documentation according to the Building Act.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Job classification CZ-ISCO, level 5 - category

Job classification CZ-ISCO, level 5 - category

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.

Mineral deposits and resources in the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains basic information on all reserved mineral deposits and approved prognosticated mineral resources in the territory of the Czech Republic.The Ministry of the Environment issues a certificate of reserved deposit if a reserved mineral is found in quantity and quality that allow its accumulation to be reasonably expected.

According to Act No. 44/1988 Coll., Mininig Act ( § 6).

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Minerals inventory – INSPIRE harmonized data for the Czech Republic (theme Mineral resources)

Dataset contains basic information about mineral deposits, resources, mining leases and mining waste in the Czech Republic, generated as the INSPIRE layers from the SurIS Register.

Harmonization of data according to the INSPIRE requirements within Project Minerals4EU, ProSUM and Mintell4EU.

HVD High value dataset.

Mining waste of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains localisation and the state-of-the-art of data on individual registered mining waste facilities in the Czech Republic.

According to Act no. 157/2009 Coll. § 17 Sec. 4, point. a) and b) CGS was commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment to identify closed and abandoned mining waste depositories that are significant risk to environment and human health. CGS maintains a register of these depositories.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Network mapping

Mapovací sítě: SitMap_0Rad - základní pole (cca11,1x12 km; středoevropská mapovací síť viz: EHRENDORFER, F.; HAMANN, U. (1965). Vorschläge zu einer floristischen Kartierung von Mitteleuropa. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft. 78, 1, s. 35-50.); SitMap_1Rad - pole síťového mapování vzniklé rozdělením základního pole na čtvrtiny (kvadranty; 1/4) - SLAVÍK, B. (1971). Metodika síťového mapování ve vztahu k připravovanému fytogeografickému atlasu ČSR: Methodik der Netzkartierung in bezug auf den eben bearbeiteten phytogeographischen Atlas der Böhmischen sozialistischen Republik (ČSR). Zprávy Československé botanické společnosti. 6, s. 55-62. ISSN 0009-0662.; SitMap_2Rad - pole síťového mapování vzniklé dvojnásobným rozdělením základního pole na čtvrtiny (1/16)- HÄRTEL, H. (1994). Metodika floristického mapování navrhovaného národního parku České Švýcarsko a chráněné krajinné oblasti Labské pískovce, s. 64-69. In: PETŘÍČEK, V.; VESELÝ, M. (eds.). Metodika mapování přírody a krajiny. Praha: Český ústav ochrany přírody. 69 s.; SitMap_3Rad - pole síťového mapování vzniklé trojnásobným rozdělením základního pole na čtvrtiny (1/64) - HÄRTEL, H. (1994). Metodika floristického mapování navrhovaného národního parku České Švýcarsko a chráněné krajinné oblasti Labské pískovce, s. 64-69. In: PETŘÍČEK, V.; VESELÝ, M. (eds.). Metodika mapování přírody a krajiny. Praha: Český ústav ochrany přírody. 69 s.; SitMap_Botanika - pole síťového mapování vzniklé rozdělením kvadrantu základního pole na 5x5 elementárních polí - KOLBEK, J.; MLADÝ, F.; PETŘÍČEK, V. et al. (1999). Květena Chráněné krajinné oblasti a Biosférické rezervace Křivoklátsko: I. Mapy rozšíření cévnatých rostlin.. Praha: Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky. 300 s. ISBN 80-86064-36-0 podklady - Besselův elipsoid, Křovákovo zobrazení, S-JTSK; © AOPK ČR, 2009 EEARefGrid - pole (10x10 km) monitorovací sítě evropsky významných druhů a přírodních stanovišťů; © EEA, 2013

Mapování, monitoring a celkové rozšíření druhů

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Orthophoto of the Czech Republic

Digital seemingly seamless orthophoto of the Czech Republic in a 8-bit color scale. The pixel of the raster image Ortofota ČR displays 0.125 m of the area in the middle plane of the terrain. The orthophoto of the Czech Republic is constantly improving its positional accuracy characterized by a mean positional error, this error ranged from 0.20 to 0.21 m in the years 2019 - 2020, in the years 2021 - 2022 error ranged from 0.19 to 0.20 m. The evaluation of the accuracy of the orthophoto of the Czech Republic in 2021 has not yet been completed. Orthofoto ČR is distributed in graphic raster formats JPG in dispensing units with a size showing 2.5 x 2 km of terrain in the SM 5 clade.

Protected deposit areas of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains Information about protection identified and undiscovered reserved mineral deposits and resources (according § 16-19 of the Act No. 44/1988, Mining Act) in the Czech Republic.
These areas must be respected in the Urban Planning Documentation.

CGS provides CHLU data on undermined areas to public authorities and spatial planning authorities in accordance with the valid Building Act. Furthermore, this data is used in the assessment of mine workings impacts and the processing of complex information about the territory.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Protected territories for special intervention into the Earth’s crust of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains Information about the Protected territories for special intervention into the Earth’s crust in the territory of the Czech Republic. It includes (according to §34 of Act No. 44/1988 Coll., Mining Act) underground storages, underground depository of radioactive and other waste and industrial use of the Geothermal energy. These areas must be respected in the Urban Planning Documentation.

CGS provides data on undermined areas to public authorities and spatial planning authorities in accordance with the valid Building Act. Furthermore, this data is used in the assessment of mine workings impacts and the processing of complex information about the territory.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Salary tariffs codelist

Salary tariffs codelist

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.

Seismic profiles in the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Geology)

This database contains state-paid seismic profiles measured in the Czech Republic. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Geoph Profile object from the Geophysics application scheme.

fullfillment of the requirements of the INSPIRE directive

HVD High value dataset. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed. application/gml+xml Dataset is distributed using application/gml+xml. application/ Dataset is distributed using application/

Slope deformations in the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains basic data on Slope deformations (landslides, solifluction, rock falls, etc.) within the territory of the Czech Republic. Landslides are classified as active, suspended and stabilized. Database is based on verified mapping in 1 : 10,000 and landslide description and photodocumentation. The current form of the data corresponds to the revised methodology for monitoring slope deformations (formerly slope instabilities) from 2021.

The purpose is to inventory the area with detected slope deformations in accordance with the provisions of § 17 of the Geological Act (No. 62/1988 Coll., on geological works, as amended). These areas can have an impact on the development of spatial planning documentation and on the environment. ČGS provides data on slope deformations to public authorities and spatial planning authorities for the processing of spatial analytical documents in accordance with the valid Building Act.

HVD High value dataset. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.