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20 datasets found

Code list - utility cultivation directions / (EH_CISUSP01A)

The service returns a codelist of utility cultivation directions that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Code list of pests (GET_CISELNIK_SO) / (EPH_GSO01B)

The service returns current code list of pests (from Registry of fertilizers) and code list of pests according to Plant Protection Products (UKZUZ information system). Distinguished by the type of protection product.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01C)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01D)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01E)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01F)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of plant protection products (GET_CISELNIK_PRIPRAVKU_ROZSIRENY) / (EPH_GCP01G)

The aim of the service is to provide complete information on authorized plant protection products in the form of a machine-processable format for users of local agricultural software.

Code list of vineyards (GET_CISELNIK_VINICE) / (RVI_GCV01A)

Service for obtaining the current status of the vineyard code list.

Code list of vineyards (GET_CISELNIK_VINICE) / (RVI_GCV01B)

Service for obtaining the current status of the vineyard code list - version B - extended.

Code lists - crop nutrient removals / (EH_CISOZP01A)

The service returns a code list of crop nutrient removals that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Code lists - Products (EH_CISPRO01A)

The service returns a product code list that is required to create a request for WS EH_PEH01A.

Code lists / (OOS_CIS01B)

The service is used to obtain selected code lists from the Information System of the Department of Seeds and Seedlings of ÚKZÚZ (ISOOS), which are necessary for use in other OOS (Department of Seeds and Seedlings) services.

Code lists / (OOS_CIS01C)

The service is used to obtain selected code lists from the Information System of the Department of Seeds and Seedlings of ÚKZÚZ (ISOOS), which are necessary for use in other OOS (Department of Seeds and Seedlings) services.

Database of available organic seeds / (EAA_GMS01A)

The service provides access to the database of organic seeds maintained by ÚKZÚZ with the possibility of various filtering criteria.

Hop fields code list (GET_CISELNIK_CHMELNIC) / (RCH_GCC01A)

Service for obtaining the current state of hop fields code lists.

Informations about plant varieties / (RVI_NOU01B)

The service provides publicly publishable informations about crops, plant varieties, subjects and their links to varieties, variety registration, legal protection of varieties, genetic modifications of varieties, clones of varieties, descriptions of varieties, invoices for registration and testing of varieties and registration number in the state variety book.

POR Marketing Data Repository - Catalogue / (JUP_CAT01A)

The service returns data from a catalogue of products that are registered in the POR Marketing Data Repository. Basic filtering is possible using the input parameters of the service.

Registry of POR Distributors / (EAA_RDP01A)

The service provides data from the Registry of Distributors of Plant Protection Products for professional users. The data is updated continuously.

The code list of fertilizers (GET_CIS_HNOJIV) / (RHN_GHN01C)

Service for obtaining the current status of the fertilizer code list - version C

The code list of fertilizers (GET_CIS_HNOJIV) / (RHN_GHN01D)

The service provides data current data of the Register of Fertilizers. The service does not return fertilizers intended for small consumers.