The service provides an up-to-date code list of measures relating to the Nitrates Directive. Measure codes are provided in other LPIS web services.
Service for obtaining the current status of the crops code list from the LPIS. This crops code list is also shared in the EPH system. The service is extended by the EPPO code for selected crops.
Service for obtaining the current status of the crops code list from the LPIS registry.
The service is used for the publication of the crops code list to commercial software and state administration bodies - for the needs of data synchronization in local applications of farmers with LPIS. Unlike the LPI_GPL01C service, it contains attributes for assigning crops to EFA areas and individual subsidy titles, voluntary coupled support and AEO measures, and linking to Farmer's Portal crops. It will return all crops assigned from the code list on the Farmer's Portal to one crop ID for greening.
The service returns a Farmer's blocks (DPB) list based on the input parameters. The answer contains basic information about DPB. Compared to version 01A, the request has been extended. The TYPDATAKOD element which was introduced to optimize the size of the service response is now mandatory.
The service returns a list of Farmer's blocks (DPB) based on input parameters. The answer contains basic information about individual DPB.