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6 datasets found

INSPIRE – Network of groundwater discharge monitoring objects

Feature layer depicting the location of springs where the observation of yield is performed. In the past, all springs were observed by volunteers. Currently, these springs are still partly monitored in this way, and partly monitored with equipment having a daily measurement frequency. The data are stored in the Central Regime Database of Groundwater which is maintained by the Hydrology Database and Water Budget Department.

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

INSPIRE – Network of groundwater level monitoring objects

Feature layer depicting the location of boreholes observing groundwater level in shallow and deep aquifers. Currently, most of the measuring objects are equipped with automatic stations that record locally or transmit the data. These stations record once a day. Originally, the boreholes were observed by volunteers with a weekly frequency of measurement. Most of new measuring objects were built during the so-called ISPA project. They went into operation in 2007. The data are stored in the Central Regime Database of Groundwater which is maintained by the Hydrology Database and Water Budget Department.

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

INSPIRE – Surface water monitoring station network

Feature layer with the location of water-gauging stations. Over 90% of measurements are carried out through automatic stations with locally stored records or transmitted records. Discharge is derived from observed water level using rating curves, which are determined based on hydrometric measurements. The data from these stations are stored in the Central Regime Database of Surface Water which is maintained by the Hydrology Database and Water Budget Department.

HVD High value dataset. Dataset is distributed using

NiD - groundwater monitoring sites

Datová sada obsahuje místa monitoringu podzemních vod vybraná a vyhodnocená pro potřeby Nitrátové směrnice. Prostorová i popisná složka dat byla upravena podle směrných dokumentů a požadavků Evropské komise na reporting podle Nitrátové směrnice v roce 2016.

Datová sada byla vytvořena pro účely reportingu podle směrnice 91/676/EHS (Směrnice o ochraně vod před znečištěním způsobeném dusičnany ze zemědělských zdrojů - Nitrátová směrnice).

HVD High value dataset. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

NiD - surface water monitoring sites

Datová sada obsahuje místa monitoringu povrchových vod vybraná a vyhodnocená pro potřeby Nitrátové směrnice. Prostorová i popisná složka dat byla upravena podle směrných dokumentů a požadavků Evropské komise na reporting podle Nitrátové směrnice v roce 2016.

Datová sada byla vytvořena pro účely reportingu podle směrnice 91/676/EHS (Směrnice o ochraně vod před znečištěním způsobeném dusičnany ze zemědělských zdrojů - Nitrátová směrnice).

HVD High value dataset. Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.

WFD Monitoring Sites

The dataset containing the representation of moitoring sites was compiled from the source databases of several national and regional subjects. The selection of monitoring sites as well as the formal adjustment of the dataset follows the requirements of WFD 2016 reporting.

This dataset was created for the purposes of Water Framework Directive: River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Atom Feed Dataset is distributed using Atom Feed.