News National Open Data Catalog More

HVD category (1)

High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

Data service (1)

Datasets distributed via a data service

Keywords (264)

Keywords used to describe the dataset

Extended search

825 datasets found

Territorial technical units (RSO)

Polygons of territorial technical units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Address points

Definition points od address places with address and territorial identifications

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.


Agendy evidované v Registru práv a povinností ve smyslu § 51 zákona č. 111/2009 Sb. o základních registrech.

JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD.

Applications using open data

Applications using open data registered at the Czech open data portal.

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2012

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2013

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2014

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2015

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2016

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2017

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2018

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2019

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2020

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2021

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2022

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Approval of accounting statements - period 12/2023

Approval of accounting statements

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Availability of CORS for registered resources - aggregated indicators - Czech National Open Data Catalog

This dataset contains measurements of availability of CORS for resources registered in the Czech National Open Data Catalog (NODC-CZ) aggregated per dataset, publisher and the entire NODC-CZ.

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle.

Availability of CORS for registered resources - Czech National Open Data Catalog

This dataset contains measurements of availability of CORS for resources registered in the Czech National Open Data Catalog (NODC-CZ).

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle.

Availability of registered resources - aggregated indicators - Czech National Open Data Catalog

This dataset contains measurements of availability of resources registered in the Czech National Open Data Catalog (NODC-CZ) aggregated per dataset, publisher and the entire NODC-CZ.

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle.

Availability of registered resources - Czech National Open Data Catalog

This dataset contains measurements of availability of resources registered in the Czech National Open Data Catalog (NODC-CZ).

RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle.

Balance sheet - Districts - period 12/2019

Financial statements: Balance Sheet districts

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Balance sheet - Districts - period 12/2020

Financial statements: Balance Sheet districts

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Balance sheet - Districts - period 12/2021

Financial statements: Balance Sheet districts

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Balance sheet - Districts - period 12/2022

Financial statements: Balance Sheet districts

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.

Balance sheet - Districts - period 12/2023

Financial statements: Balance Sheet districts

CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV.