Polygons of territorial technical units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Definition points od address places with address and territorial identifications
Polygons of basic settlement units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of basic territorial units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Building authorities with territorial identifications and selected territory statistics
Definition points of buildings with house numbers, including definition points of parts of buildings with entrances to a separate group of apartments with selected address and territorial identifications and with technical and economical attributes.
Polygons of Cadastral units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of Cohesion regions (NUTS 2) with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Financial authorities with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Forest product contains 3 data sets: Tree Cover Density (TCD), Dominant Leaf Type (DLT) and Dominant Leaf Type Change (DLTC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/hrl-imperviousness-technical-document-prod-2015, information on the program at http://land.copernicus.eu.
High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme
High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100 m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The product contains 2 data sets: Grassland that contains classified Grassland layer (GRA) and Grassland Change (GRAC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/hrl-grassland-technical-document-prod-2015/view, information on the program at http://land.copernicus.eu.
High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.
High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Imperviousness product contains 3 data sets: Degree of Imperviousness (IMD), Degree of Imperviousness change (IMC), and Degree of Imperviousness change classified (IMCC). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/hrl-imperviousness-technical-document-prod-2015, information on the program at http://land.copernicus.eu.
High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data creation was funded by the European Union.
Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.
High Resolution Layers (HRL) are raster data with 10m (20m for change layer) and 100m spatial resolution, which are part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The Water and Wetness product contains 2 data sets: Water and Wetness (WAW) and Water-Wetness-Probability-Index (WWPI). Data is created by semi-automatic procedures over satellite imagery every 3 years. You can find technical specifications here: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/technical-library/hrl-imperviousness-technical-document-prod-2015, information on the program at http://land.copernicus.eu.
High Resolution Layers are created as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service every 3 years. This is a cut layers of the Czech Republic in the coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG:5514) for better access services Czech users. Data generation was funded by the European Union. Data creation was funded by the European Union.
Data was produced with funding by the European Union. Copyright Copernicus Programme.
Definition points of basic settlement units placed in the position of significant settlement elements within a given territory
Definition points of cadastral territories derived from the significance centers of basic settlement units
Definition points of municipalities and military districts derived from the centers of significance of basic settlement units
Polygons of municipalities and military districts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of the municipality parts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of parts of basic settlement units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of Regions (NUTS 3) with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Registry offices with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics
Polygons of statistical districts with complete territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics