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Protected territories for special intervention into the Earth’s crust of the Czech Republic

Česká geologická služba

podzemní úložiště státní geologická služba územní plánování geoenergie Využití území plánování územní skladování v podzemí zásobník plynu odpady radioaktivní energie geotermální EGDI poddolovaná oblast odpad Národní Životní prostředí Věda a technika Energie geologie Otevřená data Chráněná území pro zvláštní zásahy do zemské kůry

Open dataset contains Information about the Protected territories for special intervention into the Earth’s crust in the territory of the Czech Republic. It includes (according to §34 of Act No. 44/1988 Coll., Mining Act) underground storages, underground depository of radioactive and other waste and industrial use of the Geothermal energy. These areas must be respected in the Urban Planning Documentation.

CGS provides data on undermined areas to public authorities and spatial planning authorities in accordance with the valid Building Act. Furthermore, this data is used in the assessment of mine workings impacts and the processing of complex information about the territory.

Dataset theme
Science and technology  
EuroVoc theme
Spatial coverage
Česká republika  
Show documentation
Contact point
RNDr. Vít Štrupl, Ph.D.
OFN: Prostorová data
Show specification
HVD categories
Land use  

Distributions of the dataset

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Terms of use
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Geological Survey
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Geological Survey
  • Not protected
    Sui generis db rights
  • No personal data
    Personal data
Downloadable file
  • Download
  • application/geo+json
    Media type
  • application/zip
    Compress format


Terms of use
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Geological Survey
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Geological Survey
  • Not protected
    Sui generis db rights
  • No personal data
    Personal data