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Total values of nature of land use

Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální

parcela druh pozemku pozemek informační systém katastru nemovitostí (ISKN) katastrální parcela Katastrální parcely katastrální území úhrnné hodnoty druhů pozemků (UHDP)

Dataset contains statistics of areas of individual nature of land use within cadastral units. File contains following natures of land use: arable land, hop-field, vineyard, garden, orchard, grassland, forest lot, water surface, built-up area and courtyard, other area. Dataset is provided as Open Data (licence CC-BY 4.0). Data is based on ISKN (Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates). Data is created once in three months and provided in CSV format. Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading. More in the Act No. 256/2013 Coll., on Real Estate Cadastre, and in Decree No. 357/2013 Coll., on Real Estate Cadastre.

Dataset theme
Regions and cities  
Spatial coverage
Česká republika  
Temporal coverage
2024-11-04 -
Contact point
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
OFN: Prostorová data (2019-08-22)

Distributions of the dataset

ATOM Download Service for the Total values of nature of land use - OpenSearch

Terms of use
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
  • CC BY 4.0
    Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
  • CC BY 4.0
    Sui generis db rights
  • No personal data
    Personal data