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Watercourse administrators

Ministerstvo zemědělství

vodní toky správcovství vodních toků

Important administrators of watercourses under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture are the state enterprises - Povodí Labe, Povodí Vltavy, Povodí Moravy, Povodí Odry, Povodí Ohře and Lesy České republiky. These administrators manage almost 95% of the total length of watercourses in the Czech Republic. The remaining 5% of the length of watercourses is managed by other administrators - Ministry of Defence, National Park Authorities, municipalities etc.

Dataset theme
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food  
Spatial coverage
Česká republika  
Show documentation
Contact point
Ministerstvo zemědělství

Distributions of the dataset

Watercourse administrators

Esri Shape

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