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FIN 1-12 OSS - Budget Fulfillment of CHAP and OSS - period 09/2022

Ministerstvo financí

OSS FIN 1-12 OSS - Plnění rozpočtu KAP a OSS období 09/2022 FIN 1-12 OSS FIN FIN 1-12

In the years 2010 - 2014 the data of the financial statements to evaluate the budget fulfillment of the budget chapters, OSS and SF (SF only to 2014) were sent to the IISSP by administrators of the individual chapters. Since 2015, the data for Monitor have been taken from the RISRE module of the IISSP. These data fully replace the previously used data from the FIN 2-04 U statement. The state funds have had their own statement since 2015 - FIN 1-12 SF.

Dataset theme
Government and public sector  
Economy and finance  
Spatial coverage
Česká republika  
Temporal coverage
2022-09-01 - 2022-09-30
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This dataset is part of the dataset series FIN 1-12 OSS - Budget Fulfillment of CHAP and OSS.

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