Government Watchdog
Hlídač státu je webová platforma, kde na jednom místě probíhá kontrola, analýza a propojování dat z registru smluv, veřejných zakázek, dotací, sponzorů politických stran i jednání politiků samotných.
Economy and finance
The dataset belongs to the topic Economy and finance.
Government and public sector
The dataset belongs to the topic Government and public sector.
Justice, legal system and public safety
The dataset belongs to the topic Justice, legal system and public safety.
Prague 6 Geoportal
Aplikace zveřejňuje různé druhy geograficky lokalizovaných sad dat v nadstavbě nad uživatelsky přívětivým prostředím Google Maps.
Economy and finance
The dataset belongs to the topic Economy and finance.
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food
The dataset belongs to the topic Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food.
The dataset belongs to the topic Environment.
Education, culture and sport
The dataset belongs to the topic Education, culture and sport.
Justice, legal system and public safety
The dataset belongs to the topic Justice, legal system and public safety.
Regions and cities
The dataset belongs to the topic Regions and cities.
The dataset belongs to the topic Health.
Population and society
The dataset belongs to the topic Population and society.
The dataset belongs to the topic Transport.