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HVD category (0)

High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

Data service (1)

Datasets distributed via a data service

Extended search

59 datasets found

Territorial technical units (RSO)

Polygons of territorial technical units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Address points

Definition points od address places with address and territorial identifications

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Adresář obcí

Datová sada s prostorovou lokalizací adresářů na jednotlivé obecní/městské úřady obcí v Královéhradeckém kraji. Zdrojem dat je Odbor kancelář ředitele Krajského úřadu Královéhradeckého kraje.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. Dataset is distributed using

Asistenční vouchery Libereckého kraje

Program je určen na podporu přípravy projektové žádosti naplňující RIS3 strategii. Využít jej mohou veřejnoprávní i soukromoprávní právnické osoby či fyzické osoby podnikající, které prokáží působnost na území Libereckého kraje (vyjma příspěvkových organizací zřízených krajem).

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. Excel XLSX Dataset is distributed using Excel XLSX. Plain text Dataset is distributed using Plain text. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Basic settlement units (RSO)

Polygons of basic settlement units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Basic territorial units (RSO)

Polygons of basic territorial units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Building authorities (RSO)

Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Building authorities with territorial identifications and selected territory statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Building entrances with TEP (RSO)

Definition points of buildings with house numbers, including definition points of parts of buildings with entrances to a separate group of apartments with selected address and territorial identifications and with technical and economical attributes.

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Cadastral units (RSO)

Polygons of Cadastral units with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Cohesion regions - NUTS2 (RSO)

Polygons of Cohesion regions (NUTS 2) with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

dobrovolné svazky obcí Olomouckého kraje - sídla

Doborovolné svazky obcí (DSO) se sídlem na území Olomouckého kraje včetně popisných informací (název, IČO, adresa sídla, orgány, způsob jednání, předmět činnosti, výčet členských obcí a další) bodově lokalizované na adresní body dle RÚIAN.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Financial Authorities (RSO)

Polygons of territorial jurisdiction of Financial authorities with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Hranice senátních obvodů 2022

Mapový podklad

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Hranice volebních okrsků 2022

Mapový podklad

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Hranice volebních okrsků 2024

Mapový podklad

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Meaningful centers of basic settlement units (RSO)

Definition points of basic settlement units placed in the position of significant settlement elements within a given territory

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Meaningful centers of cadastral units (RSO)

Definition points of cadastral territories derived from the significance centers of basic settlement units

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Meaningful centers of municipalities and military districts (RSO)

Definition points of municipalities and military districts derived from the centers of significance of basic settlement units

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

místní akční skupiny - sídla

Sídla místních akčních skupin (MAS), působících na území Olomouckého kraje lokalizovaná na adresní body dle RÚIAN.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

místní akční skupiny - územní působnost

Územní působnost místních akčních skupin (MAS), působících na území Olomouckého kraje vymezené hranicemi obcí v působnosti MAS.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.

Municipalities and military districts (RSO)

Polygons of municipalities and military districts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Municipality parts (RSO)

Polygons of the municipality parts with territorial identifications and selected territorial statistics

Esri Shape Dataset is distributed using Esri Shape. Esri File Geodatabase Dataset is distributed using Esri File Geodatabase. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. GeoPackage Dataset is distributed using GeoPackage.

Nadregionální a regionální ÚSES vymezený v ZÚR

Vrstva ze Zásad územního rozvoje Královéhradeckého kraje (ZÚR) z datového modelu DMG ÚAP. Zpracovatelem datového modelu je Hydrosoft Veleslavín s.r.o. Zdrojem dat je Odbor územního plánování a stavebního řádu Krajského úřadu Královéhradeckého kraje. Datová sada byla vytvořena v souřadnicovém systému S-JTSK. Dokumentace k datové sadě je ke stažení zde.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. Dataset is distributed using

Opravy silniční infrastruktury od roku 2016 - bodové

Datová sada s prostorovou lokalizací oprav silniční infrastruktury v letech 2016 až 2022 vyjádřených bodově. Jedná se o silnice II. a III. třídy, tedy těch, které jsou ve vlastnictví Královéhradeckého kraje. Zdrojem dat je ÚDRŽBA SILNIC Královéhradeckého kraje a.s.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. Dataset is distributed using

Opravy silniční infrastruktury od roku 2016 - liniové

Datová sada s prostorovou lokalizací oprav silniční infrastruktury od roku 2016 vyjádřených liniově. Jedná se o silnice II. a III. třídy, tedy těch, které jsou ve vlastnictví Královéhradeckého kraje. Zdrojem dat je ÚDRŽBA SILNIC Královéhradeckého kraje a.s.

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. HTML Dataset is distributed using HTML. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON. Dataset is distributed using