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Traffic accidents

English description below. Data zobrazují nehody na území města Brna od roku 2010. Záznamy pocházejí z dat Policie České republiky. Datová sada je aktualizovaná jednou ročně a je v souřadnicovém systému WGS 84. Bližší informace v přiloženém popisu.The data show accidents in the city of Brno since 2010. The records come from data from the Police of the Czech Republic. The data set is updated once a year and is in the WGS 84 coordinate system. More information in the attached description

ZIP Dataset is distributed using ZIP. Excel XLS Dataset is distributed using Excel XLS. Plain text Dataset is distributed using Plain text. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. KML Dataset is distributed using KML. JSON Dataset is distributed using JSON. Octet Stream Dataset is distributed using Octet Stream. GeoJSON Dataset is distributed using GeoJSON.