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Publishers (1)

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High-Value dataset category from a European vocabulary. A High Value Dataset is public sector information whose re-use has significant benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular because of its suitability for services, job creation and other value-added applications.

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7 datasets found

Business register according to the STIRData data model

Business registry of Czechia represented according to the data model developed in CEF Telecom project STIRData.

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. HDT Dataset is distributed using HDT.

Check actions of CTIA, their focus and issued fines

Check actions of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, their focus and issued fines. Transformed to RDF from the datasetsé-sady/00020869/98803,é-sady/00020869/99266 andé-sady/00020869/98719

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG.

Codelist of publishers of employment positions at Charles University

Codelist of publishers of employment positions at Charles University

RDF XML Dataset is distributed using RDF XML. RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD. RDF N-Triples Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Triples. RDF N-Quads Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Quads. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. RDFa Dataset is distributed using RDFa.

Czech extension of the Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE)

Czech extension of the Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE). Transformed to RDF from the dataseté-sady/00025593/f884f59498ad1717083b498b21ef2283

RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG.

Means of submitting and application for a job at Charles University

Means of submitting and application for a job at Charles University

RDF XML Dataset is distributed using RDF XML. RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD. RDF N-Triples Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Triples. RDF N-Quads Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Quads. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. RDFa Dataset is distributed using RDFa.

Organizational structure of CUNI

Organizational structure of the Charles University. Contains source JSON-LD distribution and other distributions resulting from its transformations.

RDF XML Dataset is distributed using RDF XML. RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD. RDF N-Triples Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Triples. RDF N-Quads Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Quads. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. RDFa Dataset is distributed using RDFa.

Organizational structure of FMP CUNI

Organizational structure of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University

RDF XML Dataset is distributed using RDF XML. RDF Turtle Dataset is distributed using RDF Turtle. CSV Dataset is distributed using CSV. JSON-LD Dataset is distributed using JSON-LD. RDF N-Triples Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Triples. RDF N-Quads Dataset is distributed using RDF N-Quads. RDF TriG Dataset is distributed using RDF TriG. RDFa Dataset is distributed using RDFa.